Tuesday, 27 June 2006

A literary evening in Moscow

Rabbit Hole is the informal gathering of the writers and poets and keen admirers of art in Moscow. It meets every other Sunday in the evening at FAQ Café near Tverskaya Ulitsa in the center of the city. The day before yesterday I was invited there to read and share my poems. The weather was pleasant and we sat in the open in the evening when the sun was still in the sky. John from UK read his prose followed by Alexander (Shasha) who read his extremely creative piece about pyramids. The parodies of Sandy from Australia were just too good and kept the ambience very light all the time. I started with my poem “I Believe” a poem admired by many and published on Poetisphere and 101 poets. This was followed by a lighter poem “A non-smoker’s tale” that made everybody laugh. A sizable number of Russian poetry admirers also participated. It was a great Sunday evening.


Blogger rachana said...

congrates!!! it's nice to meet like minded people always....

27/6/06 2:49 pm  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

I hope you recorded them!

27/6/06 4:10 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

hi Rachana,
Thank you so much...the best meeting of like minded people takes place over the net...and in the blogosphere or poetisphere..

hi Glenn,
I am sorry i could nnot record it as it was my debut there...next time i won't forget it..thank you so much ..

hi Tara,
you are a great support and i am going to publish a book of 100 poems once my first book comes out in the market...let's hope for the best..thank you so much..

27/6/06 5:09 pm  
Blogger lindsaylobe said...

Hi Abhay
Best wishes for your book and it sounded like a great meeting of like minds at the gathering !!

1/7/06 5:08 pm  

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