Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Five year of blogging and what happened to my seven wishes!

When I look back at the journey covered in the last five years of blogging, it seems tremendous. I started blogging on 5th April 2005 when I was in Delhi and kept blogging during my two years stay in Moscow. When I arrived in St. Petersburg, blogging took a beating as I had so much work to do but still I did not completely stop it. Blogging got some adverse attention during this period and it had to be temporarily stopped, however blog or Web Logs are online diaries and those of us who are in the habit of writing chronicles, blogs can't be stopped, they run inside.
It was blogging that helped me express myself through prose, poetry and earned me friends worldwide from Canada to Australia, Africa to Latin America, Europe to Philippines. Friends with whom I could share my thoughts, from whom I could learn. Blogging made sharing ideas globally easy and making friends without borders easier. Blogs brought our common humanity a step closer making the world a little smaller.
On this blog 'Ideas & Universe' I wrote and shared more than a hundred poems, a few short stories and many thoughts and ideas attracting about 13000 visitors from 120 countries.
During this period I have been able to publish three book 'River Valley to Silicon Valley'(its translation in Russian) , 'Enigmatic Love' & Fallen Leaves of Autumn. 'Candling the Light' is soon to be published.

On 6th April 2005 I had written down my Seven Wishes
I would like to note down the progress so far in the last five years.
1. First Wish- Building a primary school and health care centre at the place I was born, connecting it with a road  and providing electricity and telephone connection. -There is already mobile phones in every home and 10-12 hours of electricity in the village. A road (not metalled yet) has been built linking it with the main road.  Primary school and health care centre are yet to come. I tried very hard with the district administration of Nalanda but have not been successful yet. Hope in the next five years, it will be possible to achieve that. (Incidentally my elder brother is building a temple there but not a school).
2. Second Wish-to build a Girl’s High school at the village I have grown up and studied till the primary school level.  -The primary school has been upgraded into a middle school and would be upgraded to a High School in the coming years(hope to be the next five years). Though there will not be a separate Girl's High School, girls can still study upto High School.
3. Third Wish- to build a SAARC University at Nalanda, the place of the world’s most ancient seat of learning where once Nalanda University existed for many centuries. I have been lucky in fulfillment of this wish as my wishes have been granted in double as Govt. has decided to build a South Asian University(SAU) near Delhi and Nalanda International University(NIU) near Rajgir. The land has already been acquired and foundation stones been laid down. I hope in the next five years, both of them start functioning.
4. Fourth Wish- A flood free Bihar- No concrete developments have taken place.
5. Fifth Wish- South Asian Union - The situation is in flux.
6. Sixth wish- Earth Council- Successor of UN or a reformed UN, an organization for global governance with a parliamentary assembly. Some steps in this direction are visible.
7. Seventh Wish- Spreading the seeds of life in the Universe- Mars Mission seems to be moving forward.

What I have found surprisingly that no additional wishes have come to my mind in the last five years. I have been painting  a lot since last two years and surprisingly my themes revolve around these wishes. I hope that in the coming time I am able to write that all the wishes have been fulfilled.


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