Sunday, 29 October 2006

She rises from the grave! (Halloween Special)

She rises, rises from the grave
In the moonless dark nights
Holding the candle
In the white
Blood splattered wedding garb

She walks through the alleys and streets
Of the old dead town
Dogs cry aloud
Breaking the drop dead silence
Smelling the rotting flesh

Bats fly over her head
Smelling death
Making a hallow- ring
Advancing, advancing
Announcing her arrival

She suddenly takes the turn
Stops by the castle
Where she once ruled as queen
She walks through the ruins
Searching the glory of her bygone past

Stink and odor fills the ambience
Wild flowers bloomed in crevices dry
The earthly creatures run for a hide
From their old queen
Who once ruled far and wide

She searches her lost beauty
Power and glory
In the candle light
Amidst the heaps of human skulls
Whom she ruled once, unfair and unwise

Her lust unquenched
Her soul tormented
Her body tired and rotting
Her heart begging for redemption
She returns to the grave when dawn approaches

She rises, rises from the grave
In the moonless dark nights
Holding the candle
In the white
Blood splattered wedding garb

She walks through the alleys and streets
Of the old dead town…

The Ringing of the Bards is up at OZY(Paper Tigers)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oohh great Halloween poem..really good scary visuals..take care..m

30/10/06 5:36 am  
Blogger Suzan Abrams, email: said...

What a wonderful eerie tale told through a powerful poetry narrative.

30/10/06 10:17 am  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Madd,
Thank you so much for dropping by friend and your kind words! Its great if it is scary because that is what I wanted it to be!

Hi Susan,
Eerie..thats great and I am so glad to read your comment.

30/10/06 10:39 am  
Blogger rachana said...

hi abahy the picture and words makes a scary piture of dark night!
it's reminding some old hindi film song..

30/10/06 1:47 pm  
Blogger yioeng said...

really good... at first i thought that your only intention was to create a scary atmosphere, which just that would be fine cause you succeded in that, but it was also great to explore later on as reading that you also talk about many things as past and lost possesions, glories etc and the search of those and the insistance and desire to regain them back
yeah i really liked it because it has an identity of its own and it would stand out even if i had read ten more poems at the same time

30/10/06 7:16 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Rachana,
Thank you so much!
Which song ?

Hi Yioeng,
Your comment has just btightened up the ambience a little as you have perhaps entered my heart or mind and just captured what I have there, or rather what I had there when I wrote this one.
Thank you friend so much for your well thought and written comment.

Cheers & Scares!

30/10/06 7:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooo, gives me a chill! Spooky stuff!

31/10/06 7:54 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

hi Jo,
really? thats cool because thats what I intended ...

31/10/06 9:39 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Tara,
great to have you after such a long time! I hope you are having a great time in Spain!

1/11/06 8:11 pm  

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