Monday, 10 July 2006

It's never too late

I have been out of the beautiful city of Moscow for a while to visit the evergreen New Delhi where I spent eight years of my some of the most memorable days of life so far..Now I am back again with this poem...thank you all for visiting me and writing the kind words that touch my heart...

It’s never too late
To smile to a stranger
To take a walk by the river
To travel to a distant land
It’s never too late
To learn something new
To read a book
To make a new friend
It’s never too late
To hold hands
To buy a flower for someone
To fall in love
It’s never too late
To forgive them all
To forget the bitter past
To start once again
It’s never too late
To have a hearty laugh
To cry like a child
To sing a hearty song
It’s never too late
To pen down a poem
To remember old friends
To be kind to the less fortunate
It’s never too late
To look at the stars
To say a prayer
To dream a dream
It’s never too late
To play a game
To watch the sunset
To try a new music instrument
It’s never too late
To try again


Blogger ozymandiaz said...

Ah, what reminiscing does for the soul. Comforting, hugh?

10/7/06 6:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very simple yet very inspiring...
filled with hope and positive thoughts after reading ur poem..
thanks for that..

10/7/06 8:29 pm  
Blogger Yasmin Waring said...

welcome back Abhay.

and you come with your arms full of a very needful reminder about life, and hope.

10/7/06 11:48 pm  
Blogger Gary said...

Thanks Abhay and welcome back. You lead an interesting life.

11/7/06 3:15 am  
Blogger ... said...

Hey...mail me those pictures..all of them... and to better pictures now that ashok showed you a trick or two... and thanks again for the gifts... my refrigerator looks prettier and the danish stuff tastes good...

11/7/06 9:26 am  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

Those who know do, those who only think about it dont really know.:-)

11/7/06 5:01 pm  
Blogger lindsaylobe said...

A lovely poem, simple yet elegant in its thoughts !!
It reminds me it's never too late for us to consider acts of kindness every day to perfect strangers.

Here is few lines I just composed with this thought and your poem in mind.

Stranger’s Kindness

Kindness of an ordinary man
Helps strangers as he lends a hand
Did foresee your pressing need
Spirit sowed a thoughtful seed

Planted shrubs with his gentle hands
Roots of life from the desert sands
Radiant leaves for our life state
Tree of life for our life’s sake

11/7/06 6:10 pm  
Blogger Paul said...

Let us work in these daylight, where sunset is far away.

Let me say my word of appreciation before time run away from me.

A noble intention and a good word will not go waste.

Ahaby is to give "Abhay" to many.

Abhay is a person who have no "bhaya" (hate) with him.

While I visit Mosco in my imagination and Delhi in my dream, let me look through my window, if Abhay is around.

The poem help me to have a look at you Abhay and today let a good thing happen to you.

Keep in touch.


11/7/06 6:37 pm  
Blogger rachana said...

"it's never too late to appriciate!!!
so i am doing it!
thanks to share all this with us!

12/7/06 8:21 am  
Blogger The Unadorned said...

Profund, inspirational--like "IF" of Rudyard Kipling.


26/7/06 11:24 pm  

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