Monday, 19 February 2007

An afternoon in Modern Art

Last weekend I along with my friends visited the Moscow Museum of Modern Art located in the heart of the city located at 25, Petrovka Street. I was welcomed by the huge statue of St. Nina by famous sculptor of Moscow Zurab Tsereteli with whom I had the opportunity to meet and paint last year in his own art gallery at Peretechinskaya street.

St. Nina

The campus of the MMoMA is full of sculptures of Zurab Tsereteli. A few among them I found impressive indeed such as Andrey, his horse and donkey, sculptures of the two poetesses Anna Ahmadatava and Svetaeva etc. These sculptures provided amazing warmth to my eyes despite the sub-zero Moscow temperature on Saturday the 17th. The welcome was so good and we moved inside the Museum building for the real treat.

Andrey with his donkey and horse

Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetayeva

After taking off our overcoats , caps , gloves and mufflers we first moved to the second floor of the Museum where on display these days are photos from Henry Buhl’s collection “Speaking with Hands”. The photos on display were of very high quality and spoke in true sense. Some of them I found inspiring indeed such as –

Picasso’s breads by Robert Doisneau Herbertiss
Hands of Mother Teresa and Dalai Lama by Mary Allen Mark
The lonely Metropolitan by Herbert Bayer
Trial by Fire by Sarah Charlesworth
Stories of Martyrdom by Shirin Nishat

I cannot post them because photography was prohibited.
Afterwards we moved to the third floor where we found the large billboard size paintings straight from the modern day Comics by a single painter Gosha. The colors were mainly red , blue and black and created an effect of unrest and chaos.

Lady in Red

The best was well kept for the last and the first floor of the museum offered that. The star of the first floor was Andrey Bartenev whose Electric aliens and ‘Sound Architecture- I love you’ are some of surprises for the museum visitors. Along with Andrey Bartenev Vyatchesiav Koleichuk with his Stereocube, 3 glasees, Cosmos and Lonely Star makes the first floor of the museum a must visit for all modern art lovers of the city.
The Russian

Electric Aleins

Sound Architeture- I love You.


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