Wednesday, 27 December 2006

O White Snow!

O white snow
Fall on my shoulders
Silently softly serenely
Soften my soul
Cover me white
Soothe my senses
Shine me bright
Bring me a new life!

O white snow
Soft, silent, serene
Harbinger of hope
Stimulator of dreams
Fall for a white Christmas
Fall for our joy
Fall for the little children
To revel and enjoy!

Merry Christmas! White Christmas!
Visit PICTURESQUE for more pictures.


Blogger writerwoman said...

So pretty! Especially this part

Stimulator of dreams

27/12/06 9:34 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Writerwoman,
Thank you so much ...I am so glad that you liked it.

28/12/06 12:47 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

There's nothing quite like snow, is there? Lovely.

29/12/06 3:32 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Atyllah,
Wish you a very happy New Year!

30/12/06 12:04 am  
Blogger Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Hi Abhay,

Thanks for dropping by after a very long time. Thought you had simply stopped visiting.
Anyway, merry Christmas & now I know where to head to if I want to enjoy 2 Christmases instead of one.

Anyhow, here's wishing you a wonderful year ahead for 2007.

30/12/06 5:45 pm  
Blogger yioeng said...

hello abhay... snow works as a catharsis and u could tell it with nice words
have a happy new year

30/12/06 6:52 pm  
Blogger Gary said...

Beautiful verse Abhay.

May 2007 bring you love, peace, reconciliation and lots of inspiration! You're a good man.

31/12/06 11:25 am  
Blogger lindsaylobe said...

Hi Abhay
Nice verse which contrasts with our hot summer and Bush- fires!!
May 2007 bring you a peaceful year and for you to continue with your inspirational words!!

Best wishes

1/1/07 4:23 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi susan,
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2007.How can I stop visiting your wonderful blog?!You are always welcome to Moscow Susan as a fellow writer, friend and blogger!

Hi Yieong,
I have just started reading the book "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk and strikingly I find that may be this book could have began with this poem! I completely agree with you about the catharsis and I am so glad to read your beautiful compliment.
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2007!

Hi Gary!
All the verses that come straight from heart are good!
I wish you a very Happy New Year!
Dear friend and blogging brother Gary I heartly thank you for your such kind compliment!

Dear Tara,
Many thanks for the best wishes!
I am so happy to have a friend like you! Your words always inspire and encourage me!
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2007!

Dear Lindsay,
Thank you so so much!
Your always qualitative comments have enriched my blogging experince and I want to express my gratitude for that.
Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year 2007!

2/1/07 1:04 pm  
Blogger madd said... glad to see you back..have been a bit absent as well..loved the poem..for such a cold subject you made it feel all warm and alwasy have such a way with thoughts that come to life in your woords..have a wonderful new year my friend, I am sure it will be..luv ya..m

3/1/07 7:49 am  
Blogger White Square said...

Dear Madd,
Many thanks for such a warm welcome ! I love the way you put your comments and especially this warm and nice!
Wish you a wonderful year full of joy and happiness!
lots of love and cheers...

4/1/07 6:40 pm  

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