Tuesday, 21 November 2006

I love you!

You are the ever fresh lotus flower
You are the song of the sunny spring
You are the stream of the ever flowing river
You are the full moon in the darkest hour

You are the oasis in the middle of a dry dreary desert
You are the cool sea breeze in a chilling hot summer day
You are the shine in the fresh morning dew
Oh my savior! I love you!


Blogger madd said...

abhay..such a beautiful delicate flower to go with such a strong declaration of love, she must be a wonderful person to bring forth so much love and trust..lovely poem..if I haven't, which I probably have..:) I just want to say how happy I am for you and your new love..revel in it my friend...m

22/11/06 1:42 am  
Blogger White Square said...

Dear Madd,
hey..thank you so much for your so soothing words...I am tickled by your new icon..a lovely leg..very artistic my freind...i must admire your taste...
I would not speak of love
that runs in my veins
nourishing every cell
of my existence
rather i would cherish
in silence
its fruits
that sweet pain that fills
every pore of my self
in the absence of my love
the ecstacy of the prospects
of hearing her voice
of having a glance
even for a fraction of time...

Thank you Madd for stimulating me to say more about love..

22/11/06 1:35 pm  
Blogger madd said...

mmmm...lovely, sweet pain of anticipation of the gifts she brings upon her return..you are so welcome, and I know you do not celebrate Thanksgiving there, however I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgving anyway..giving Thanks for all we are blessed with is universal..it is really something we should do daily..not save up for one day a year..take care my friend..luv ya..m

23/11/06 1:52 am  
Blogger Suzan Abrams, email: suzanabrams@live.co.uk said...

A song, Abhay. A perfect song.
How are you? Hope you're well.

23/11/06 9:31 am  
Blogger White Square said...

Dear Madd,
Thank you so much!
Thanks for your words
thanks for your thoughts
thanks to blogger
thanks to poetry...

Hi Susan,
Thank you so much...
I am fine actually very fine cherishing life!
How are you?!

23/11/06 1:05 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely song, like dew in the morning light, glistening, dancing full of hope and promise.

23/11/06 8:35 pm  
Blogger S.L. Corsua said...

Reminds me of the most delicate treasures once can behold in his surroundings. ^_^ Thank you.

25/11/06 4:56 pm  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Atyllah,
thank you so much! Lovely comment..very fresh!

Hi soulless...
thank you so much...........
for such delicate and treasurable words...

27/11/06 8:45 pm  

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