Tuesday, 31 January 2006

Excerpts from my oncoming book

The idea of writing a book came to my mind for the first time when I was trying to get into a career. The first book I thought about to write was “Proactive India”. I made the outlines and decided the theme. I had this feeling and still have that as a matter of thinking and strategy we are not proactive in our approach and attitude. We tend to react and thus fail to lead. Of course I wrote some chapters and I still have the manuscript but in the middle I got involved with another idea, the idea of a “South Asian Dream”. This dream focused on creating some institutions which brings the people of the South Asia together like South Asian Parliament, South Asian University, and the idea of a common destiny. I wrote an article named “South Asian Affairs” which outlined my experiences during my travel to the different countries of this region and a number of suggestions to improve the intermingling and exchange of ideas among the South Asians. I carried on with the flow of the ideas and another book I tried to write and quite successfully I finished a quarter is 2050. 2050 is a chronicle of events unfolding in different countries of the world during the first half of the 21st century. It has within it some innovative ideas and institutions like Global Humanitarian Force and Earth Council. I thought to put down the experiences of my short life in a book titled “24 innocent years” but this book has just begun and there is no sign of its completion. I thought to put the idea of conflict between the ambition and happiness through a book “A village by the river” but that also remains incomplete. I tried to put together the experiences of my relationships with different persons in a book form. Many chapters are complete but there is no final version yet. There is no name for this book yet. So far I have made many attempts but no success yet. My promise to myself seems to be breaking…..its not that I want to write a great book but just that I want a book which I can read, a book by me for myself. I think if I write everyday 2 hours I can complete one book in some time but I don’t feel like writing everyday and this is the problem. I wait for the special moments, the moments of inspiration to write but they hardly come, may be once in a while and they do not last very long. So what’s the solution? To write everyday or to just write when one feels like writing? The answer I don’t know… may be a combination of both. May be I can tell you one story and that story I told once to my dear friend while sitting in a café –and the story was interesting to her so she asked me to write it and I told her that I cannot write as good as I can tell because I have to think while I write but when I tell it just comes out from my heart. So may be I should record whatever I say and that can be typed by somebody and can become a book. So what was the story I told her? It was about how I traveled the distance I have so far in my life and she found it interesting and inspiring so I thought why not to share it with others also- they might find it interesting too.