Rondevous with Music masters- Schiff & Mintz
St. Petersburg is a great place when it comes to live music concerts by maestros, rock stars or ballets, operas or theatre. I have had the opportunity to hear two great masters -Piano Maestro Andras Schiff and Violin maestro Shlomo Mintz just within a gap of seven days. Andras Schiff was here last Saturday on 17th November and Shlomo Mintz today evening and both happened to perform at the historical St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra (named after D.D. Shostakovich)in the heart of the city where the great composers like Glinka, Chaikovsky and Stravinsky have performed earlier.
Andras Schiff is widely acclaimed as one of the best living interpreters of Bach, Schubert, Schumen and Beethoven. He has given concerts in different capitals of the world performing the complete piano sonatas of Beethoven. He has won two Grammy awards for the best instrumental soloist performance. You can see him performing by clicking here.
Last Saturday was my debut in the Grand Philharmonic as a listener and I truly loved every moment I spent there listening to Schiff. Before going to his concert I also listened to his lecture-recitals on Beethoven at Wigmore Hall, London and even to a first timer into western classical music like me they were highly revealing. You can listen to them by clicking here.
In 2006 the Milwaukee Sentinel wrote of Shlomo Mintz's performances that they are 'the most ravishingly beautiful playing we mortals can hope to hear...' but today evening he seemed a bit out of form. nevertheless it was a great evening listening to him playing violin. For his performance videos you may click I & II
The next month on 8th December I am eagerly looking forward to hear my favourite Bryans Adams at the famous Ice Palace here in St. Petersburg.
Wish you all a great week ahead!